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School support

The project

"Educate smiles" is a project that was born after identifying the very high rate of school failure among children who grow up in children's homes as well as the great lack of motivation to study.

Children who grow up in these centers live with a great emotional burden that often hinders them from focusing on their education or continuing with the school year like other children of their age. This burden, added to the lack of references, individualized attention or suitable spaces to study in the residences, makes it very difficult to improve results.

For all these reasons, "Educar Sonrisas" was born more than 10 years ago with the aim of getting the youngest children in the residences to find, together with their volunteers, the motivation to sit down to study and get through the course.

Why it is important
  • Improved academic performance: the weekly presence of a volunteer who is dedicated to each of them helps them to overcome academic obstacles and improve their performance.
  • Emotional support and self-esteem development: Volunteers play an essential role in building trusting relationships with children. This support helps them develop greater self-esteem and self-confidence, which in turn can have a positive impact on their overall well-being.
  • Presence of role models: the figure of the volunteer is often a young and close figure who, as a complement to the figure of the educators working in the centers, becomes an ideal role model. They show them the importance of education, responsibility and commitment to learning, which influences the children's attitudes and behavior.
  • Reducing isolation: Children growing up in residential care often feel different, isolated and sometimes disadvantaged. The presence of a volunteer who cares about their success in school and their well-being can help combat this isolation and make children feel more valued and supported.

In short, school support provided by volunteers is critical to helping foster children overcome educational and emotional challenges. 

This support can make a significant difference in their lives, providing them with opportunities to succeed in school and develop positively on their path to adulthood. It also contributes to the creation of a strong support network that can make a lasting difference to their well-being.

How it works

Educar Sonrisas volunteers work on a weekly basis and we usually ask for commitment throughout the school year, as we like the figure of the volunteer to be a fundamental pillar in the academic and emotional development of the child and that the bonds established are consolidated over time.

From Soñar Despierto, we will publish the different needs that are shared with us from the residences and we will personally interview the volunteers to ensure that the profile that we incorporate to the residence is the right one for the child.


This volunteer program is available in Barcelona, Valencia and Madrid.