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One of the main problems faced by young people who turn 18 and have to leave the shelters is the search for housing: the lack of sufficient public resources, the high cost of rental housing and job instability... make access to housing very difficult, which leads them to live in extremely precarious situations.

The project

"Un Techô para soñar" is a project born thanks to the collaboration of EY as funder, the social socimi Techô as leader of the initiative and Soñar Despierto as beneficiary of the collaboration.

This project allows several young people who are part of the Soñar Despierto network and who are beneficiaries of some of our programs, to have stable housing for as long as they need it, until they are really ready (emotionally and economically) to make the "leap" to adulthood and live independently.


For the time being, this project is only being carried out in Madrid.
