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Our dream in the ONCE Coupon

A few days ago we experienced one of those moments that will remain engraved forever in our memory: we were the protagonists of the ONCE coupon and we managed to make our slogan and image reach more than five and a half million people✨.

This collaboration is part of the communication and awareness actions that we have carried out during the week of Children's Rights and aims to make foster children visible in order to bring their reality closer to society and appeal to empathy, understanding and solidarity with this group.

On the other hand, the enthusiasm with which people buy the ONCE coupon is also an act of solidarity from society towards people with disabilities .

ONCE was born 82 years ago from the initiative of a group of Spanish blind people who, since the early years of the 20th century, thought that together they would be stronger in order to aspire to the maximum of equality through a dignified way of life, the sale of lottery products, then the first pro-blind coupon. Eight decades later, the natural evolution of the initiative is the ONCE Social Group, the largest generator of social services for the blind and employment for people with disabilities in the world, andthe fourth largest non-public employer of people with and without disabilities in Spain.

Thank you ONCE for your work and for recognizing our work through this initiative 🧡