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Christmas for all, regardless of our circumstances


2023 has been a year full of challenges, but also of dreams fulfilled: Thanks to all our solidarity Magi and dreaming companies, we have brightened up Christmas and given gifts to more than 4,000 children living in shelters in Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia.

First stop: visit of their majesties in Madrid and Valencia

The magic began in Madrid and Valencia with their respective Christmas Parties, the most magical day of the year!

We enjoyed everything we could imagine: bouncy castles, performances of the real Disney princesses, games with volunteers, face painting and the visit of the Three Wise Men who once again made a hole in their schedules to see our children before anyone else and see how good they had been.

But the most important thing is that during this day 350 children from shelters had a huge smile on their face, they felt special and lived the joy and illusion of these dates like any other child of their age.

Second stop: New Year and Epiphany in Barcelona

And from Madrid and Valencia, their Majesties traveled to Barcelona where more than 350 children lived an incredible day celebrating the New Year and the arrival of the Three Wise Men.

A party that they will never forget and that will always sound to the rhythm of Brincadeira, our favorite percussion company, who have been accompanying us for several years to make this day even more special.

Last stop: Christmas for all

And although in most homes the Christmas decorations have already been picked up, we still have one last date to go... It's the turn of the teenagers in the residences and shelters! Christmas for all is a party designed for them in a magical setting, the Círculo de Bellas Artes, with activities, games and gift-giving.

And although we know that the best thing would be for each and every one of them to live these dates in the warmth and shelter of a family, in the meantime we will be theirs🧡

Thanks to all the companies, volunteers and solidarity kings for making another year their Christmas possible.
